Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Cup to the Head

Hey everyone. Sorry for the recent dearth in posts. If I don't post every Thursday, you should scold me in the comments.

Some rules of assassins games allow messy weapons, such as water. Using messy weapons can be risky, but it generates some entertaining stories...

'lethal intimidation' killed 'whistle blower'

'lethal intimidation' writes,
Cristi swore up and down that I was her attacker. I successfully deceived her into thinking it wasn't me. I lied and cheated my way into successfully getting invited to her apartment. She pretended to kill me, and in "self-defense" I grabbed a cup of water. While her back was turned at the computer, I dumped my cup of water on her head and assassinated her. She never saw it coming!

'whistle blower' writes,
My assassin slyly coerced herself into my apartment, and then while I was on the computer, poured a cup of water on my back!!

Originally published on Friday, March 24, 2006, in the game North Georgia College Assassins

After dumping a cup of water on the head of her computer-using friend, 'lethal intimidation' went on to get a total of 6 kills! She was killed so she didn't win the game, but she did have the most kills.

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