Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shooting your mouth off: good idea?

The topic for this week's assassins story: If you are playing an assassins game, is it a good idea to talk about it in public?

Such talk has definitely gotten players killed before. Find out how it turned out for 'Miss Chievous" when she went in to a club meeting and started shooting her mouth off...

'Miss Chievous' killed 'Chierin'

'Miss Chievous' writes,
I went to Metal Club tonight and was surprised to find Matt in there. I started talking to him about my target Jerry, and I mentioned that I knew his AIM SoulOfDragonsFire. A girl in Metal Club overheard me say the AIM and, in a state of mild shock, asked if I knew Jerry. I replied yes and explained the Assassins game. She got very excited and, since she knew him, asked me if she would like me to have her call him up and bring him to Metal Club. Of course, I, very enthusiastically, answered yes. So, the plan was set and he was on his way to the meeting. I waited about 40 minutes until he walked through the door. I came out from behind the corner and shot him in the back, so as to avoid possible witnesses sitting in front of him.

Originally published on Friday, February 10, 2006, in the game University of Central Florida Assassins Spring '06

'Miss Chievous' went on to win the game with 5 kills total.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Call your target!

A quick, safe way to identify your target among several people is to call her phone. Learn from the story of Miss Jack Sparrow...

'Uruz' killed 'Jack Sparrow'

'Jack Sparrow' writes,
So there I am, spoon cleverly stowed out of sight, but easily accessible, enjoying some snackage at Late Night when my phone rings. "Oooh maybe its your assassin" barks my roomie to whom I have just finished explaining the game, and who is having a grand old time laughing at my paranoia. I don't recognize the number, but naturally I pick up and say hello ... but there is no response. Weird, I figure, but put my phone down and think nothing of it. Rejoining the conversation I notice the eyes of the friend in front of me shift to a space above me, a space occupied by a tall shadowy dark creature wielding a spoon. Before I can think, I hear the words "Are you Tessa?" Instinctively I turn, spoon ready to defend myself - but alas, I am too late, and realize I have already died by the hands of the sneaky stalker man. Damn.

'Uruz' writes,
Death by spoon to chest.

Originally published on Monday, November 14, 2005, in the game The Next Generation Fall '05

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chance Events

Randomness and luck often play a role in assassins games. Sometimes you just run in to your target by chance, when you were not planning to. That's why it's fun to play assassins in a smallish community of people that live and work close together, as shown in this excerpt from a dormitory game at Creighton University...

'butterfly' killed 'Someone 12'

'butterfly' writes,
So I was helping at the pike 5 on 5 basketball table today and of course I was worried about people sneaking up on me. I was a sitting duck for goodness sakes. It pretty much made my day when 'Someone 12' walked down the stairs on the mall. I pulled out my stickers and got ready for him to walk by. We both acknowledged each other and then he continued walking. I covertly walked up behind him and gave him a fatal sticker. Right when I hit him I knew he wasn't going to walk away from the attack and he gave up his stickers and target without a fight.

'Someone 12' writes,
I was assassinated by 'butterfly' on the mall around 12:45 on Tuesday, November 8.

Originally published on Tuesday, November 08, 2005, in the game Swanson Hall Paranoia Fall '05