Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chance Events

Randomness and luck often play a role in assassins games. Sometimes you just run in to your target by chance, when you were not planning to. That's why it's fun to play assassins in a smallish community of people that live and work close together, as shown in this excerpt from a dormitory game at Creighton University...

'butterfly' killed 'Someone 12'

'butterfly' writes,
So I was helping at the pike 5 on 5 basketball table today and of course I was worried about people sneaking up on me. I was a sitting duck for goodness sakes. It pretty much made my day when 'Someone 12' walked down the stairs on the mall. I pulled out my stickers and got ready for him to walk by. We both acknowledged each other and then he continued walking. I covertly walked up behind him and gave him a fatal sticker. Right when I hit him I knew he wasn't going to walk away from the attack and he gave up his stickers and target without a fight.

'Someone 12' writes,
I was assassinated by 'butterfly' on the mall around 12:45 on Tuesday, November 8.

Originally published on Tuesday, November 08, 2005, in the game Swanson Hall Paranoia Fall '05

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