Thursday, June 5, 2008


As I've said before, when you're playing an assassins game that has a good game history page, you can express your creativity in the form of kill reports. Today's featured story has two well-written kill reports, and one that even has a poem. It also demonstrates the value of playing an assassins game in a community of people that already know each other somewhat, because it helped the assassin find her target.

'stealthy swansonite' killed 'kill-shot'

'stealthy swansonite' writes,
I was fashioning a terracotta pot when I observed the target slinking around sipping at a root beer float... he looked sneaky, but I'm sneakier. So I followed him up through the KFC... he stopped to check out the baseball players for a while (err... a LONG time) and I waited patiently behind a pillar. In the brief moments between the doors of the KFC and Swanson I stunned him with the hit! Booyah!

'kill-shot' writes,
So I'm walking from the Library to the Bookstore, minding my own business, when I see Ice Cream. Naturally, I stop to grab a bite, and it was this time that I ran into one 'stealthy swansonite'. She said hello and tried to coerce me into making a pot with her. In reality, she was plotting to keep me in her sight until she could stick me. Anyway, I leave to go to the bookstore. On my way out, I happen to come across the baseball team, practicing in the gym. I scanned the players to see if I could spot [my friend] (a fellow SBST'er). I didn't, so I resumed my journey to the bookstore. It was as I was crossing the middle-ground between Skutt and Swanson that my worst fears were realized. [My assassin] ran up to me and did a very not nice thing. She stuck me with that stupid green sticker.

And here are my dying words:

Oh [assassin], noble [assassin]
You stuck upon me my death,
In the form of green ice.
--so cold
--so ruthless
May the good knight avenge my death
Either in this life or the next

Originally published on Wednesday, March 22, 2006, in the game Creighton Paranoia Spring 2006

'stealthy swansonite' achieved 4 kills total before dying.

Do you have any poems or writings about assassins you would like to share? Leave a comment on this blog.