Saturday, July 12, 2008

How to Assign Targets in Assassins

If you are hosting or playing in an assassins game, it is important to know how targets are assigned. On you can assign initial targets in any arbitrary way you want, but we make it very easy to do it in a circle, like this:

Each dot represents a player and each arrow represents an assigned target, pointing from assassin to target.

When a kill occurs, the person who got eliminated is removed from the circle, and her assassin is then assigned to target her former target. (A→B→C becomes A→C when B is eliminated.)

This algorithm ensures that each player always has exactly one target and one assassin until there is only one player surviving.

This knowledge would have been valuable to 'Dispatcher'...

'John Galt' killed 'Dispatcher'

'Dispatcher' writes,
Tuesday Afternoon, the future looks bright. My would-be assassin coyly requests help with MATLAB programming. A third party assassin dispatches my assailant minutes before he could execute his vile plan. Believing I was safe (since I didn't know who was after me), I let my two colleagues finish their business after they asked to be left alone. Seconds after I left, the killer chased me down and made small talk. Like an innocent one-winged dove I fell for the bait and let my guard down. After positioning me against the wall, the cruel villain exacted her second kill in 2 minutes as I fell to the ground. For my last moments I thought about how precious life really is.

Originally published on Tuesday, March 28, 2006, in the game HKN Assassins Spring '06

'John Galt' went on to get a total of three kills. She was eliminated in the end, but she had the most kills so she won the game.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Cup to the Head

Hey everyone. Sorry for the recent dearth in posts. If I don't post every Thursday, you should scold me in the comments.

Some rules of assassins games allow messy weapons, such as water. Using messy weapons can be risky, but it generates some entertaining stories...

'lethal intimidation' killed 'whistle blower'

'lethal intimidation' writes,
Cristi swore up and down that I was her attacker. I successfully deceived her into thinking it wasn't me. I lied and cheated my way into successfully getting invited to her apartment. She pretended to kill me, and in "self-defense" I grabbed a cup of water. While her back was turned at the computer, I dumped my cup of water on her head and assassinated her. She never saw it coming!

'whistle blower' writes,
My assassin slyly coerced herself into my apartment, and then while I was on the computer, poured a cup of water on my back!!

Originally published on Friday, March 24, 2006, in the game North Georgia College Assassins

After dumping a cup of water on the head of her computer-using friend, 'lethal intimidation' went on to get a total of 6 kills! She was killed so she didn't win the game, but she did have the most kills.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


As I've said before, when you're playing an assassins game that has a good game history page, you can express your creativity in the form of kill reports. Today's featured story has two well-written kill reports, and one that even has a poem. It also demonstrates the value of playing an assassins game in a community of people that already know each other somewhat, because it helped the assassin find her target.

'stealthy swansonite' killed 'kill-shot'

'stealthy swansonite' writes,
I was fashioning a terracotta pot when I observed the target slinking around sipping at a root beer float... he looked sneaky, but I'm sneakier. So I followed him up through the KFC... he stopped to check out the baseball players for a while (err... a LONG time) and I waited patiently behind a pillar. In the brief moments between the doors of the KFC and Swanson I stunned him with the hit! Booyah!

'kill-shot' writes,
So I'm walking from the Library to the Bookstore, minding my own business, when I see Ice Cream. Naturally, I stop to grab a bite, and it was this time that I ran into one 'stealthy swansonite'. She said hello and tried to coerce me into making a pot with her. In reality, she was plotting to keep me in her sight until she could stick me. Anyway, I leave to go to the bookstore. On my way out, I happen to come across the baseball team, practicing in the gym. I scanned the players to see if I could spot [my friend] (a fellow SBST'er). I didn't, so I resumed my journey to the bookstore. It was as I was crossing the middle-ground between Skutt and Swanson that my worst fears were realized. [My assassin] ran up to me and did a very not nice thing. She stuck me with that stupid green sticker.

And here are my dying words:

Oh [assassin], noble [assassin]
You stuck upon me my death,
In the form of green ice.
--so cold
--so ruthless
May the good knight avenge my death
Either in this life or the next

Originally published on Wednesday, March 22, 2006, in the game Creighton Paranoia Spring 2006

'stealthy swansonite' achieved 4 kills total before dying.

Do you have any poems or writings about assassins you would like to share? Leave a comment on this blog.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ouch... sometimes assassins games have unintended consequences. It can be a very exciting game, but please keep your own safety in mind as you pursue your target. There's no reason to get 23 stitches, like 'Lord Raiku'...

'Lord Raiku' killed 'Nemo'

'Lord Raiku' writes,
After unsuccessfully staking out my hapless target six times in the last 2 days, the elusive 'Nemo' finally lies dead. In accomplishing this great feat I risked life and limb in the most literal sense of the word. My fruitful endeavors cost me the literal exposure of my bicep muscle and I have 23 stitches to show for it.

After spying on my target throughout dinner (which was a nice roast beef and potato affair), I realized that he was about to make a break for it. I made like lightning and bolted out of my seat and darted after his running person. I pursued him across the lush grass that separates the safety of his dorm and the neutral territory that is the cafe, nearing him with every stride. Finally, I was in range. I gave my weapon a mighty squeeze, beaming an arch of water at his back. Again I fired. I realized he was nearing safety, as he approached the TWUSA office.

I don't know what happened next. I slipped on the confounded mud, but staying upright, I shot my target and promptly smashed right through the glass window with my outstretched right arm. The glass sliced my upper arm, exposing my muscle to the open air, heavy with mustard gas (alright, the mustard gas is a lie). I stared at my wound, in utter shock, but, arranging my priorities, I confirmed that I had killed my target. The response was affirmative. I realized it was now appropriate to collapse on the ground. I collapsed on the ground. I hyperventilated. I was rushed to the hospital and 23 stitches later I'm fully repaired and back in the game. Watch out, Ketchum's about.

'Nemo' writes,
Well... I will let him tell the story if he wants, but he definitely earned this kill! No doubt about it...

Originally published on Friday, March 17, 2006, in the game Mission Ops Spring '06

This was Lord Raiku's second and final kill. He was alive when the game ended.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Entertaining Kill Reports

When you're playing an assassins game that has a good game history page, you get to write kill reports for all the other players in the game to see. Indeed, part of the fun of playing assassins is writing entertaining kill reports. I was entertained by this one when I saw it:

'Lord Raiku' killed 'Vinny the Fish'

'Lord Raiku' writes,
It was a sneaky kill. I deceived the target into trusting me. I chased him and shot him in the torso, and blood spilled all over the sidewalk, forming the letters "MISTRUST" on the pathway.

'Vinny the Fish' writes,
It all started as an ordinary day. The paranoia, the jumping at shadows, and the running from black cats. A little after noon I was eating my lunch in the cafeteria. As I finished my meal, I took my refuse to the trash bin as usual. As I was preparing to leave the cafeteria, one of my trusted associates initiated a conversation with me. I, trusting the fellow, bid him farewell and headed off for my next engagement.

As I stepped out of the cafeteria, I could feel the weight of doom pressing down heavily on my back, and from behind me came a mighty war cry, as if all the mountains of the earth were being crushed with one herculean explosion of sound. I turned, fearing for my life, and beheld my doom approaching. Defenseless, I ran with all of my strength, but I had only taken half a dozen steps when the traitor's shot caught me on my leg. Falling to the ground. I stared blearily through a haze of pain as my attacker moved in to finish me off. Just before dealing the final blow, he spoke the words, "pancakes," then shot me in the solar plexus. As the world faded to black, all I could think was, "Why pancakes?"

Originally published on Tuesday, March 14, 2006, in the game Mission Ops Spring '06

'Lord Raiku' finished the game alive with two kills.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Patience is a virtue but Relctuance and Procrastination are faults

In assassins games, Patience is a virtue, but Reluctance and Procrastination can be faults. Deadly faults. Especially when your target and assassin both eat at the same dormitory cafeteria as you...

'Phenomenal Woman' killed 'Crazy Squirrel'

'Phenomenal Woman' writes,
Well I was eating dinner, you know. They had fried chicken and it was good. So I was waiting forever, watching the door, just waiting for Amanda to come in. So I gave up looking for her and started to watch for others trying to kill me. Just when I was putting my tray up, she walked in. So I followed her to the chicken line and graciously sat the dot* on her shoulder. Yup, that's how my first target went down. Isn't it exciting.

* In this assassins game, they chose to use dot-shaped stickers as the only allowable weapon.

'Crazy Squirrel' writes,
Well, I was walking to dinner all paranoid. Just waiting...I get to the dining hall and think, "Is the dining hall safe?" I see my target going to sit down and wonder whether or not I should get her now. I decide on later. I see 'Phenomenal Woman' walking out the door and since we always smile at each other, I smiled at her, didn't think anything of it, and got into line for food where I see that it's fried chicken and the end of the macaroni, so I was silently complaining about not getting a lot of cheese with my macaroni. I was a little mad, I like cheese. I'm leaning against the wall when all of a sudden I feel a pressure on my shoulder, I turn around and there is 'Phenomenal Woman' who informs me I was her target.

Originally published on Wednesday, March 01, 2006, in the game Wesleyan Dots Spring '06

'Phenomenal Woman' woman died two days later outside the art building. This was her only kill.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

In this blog, you have read about many elaborate, lucky, or fancy ways of eliminating your target. But sometimes the best strategy is to simply wait outside your target's residence, especially if you target lives in a dormitory. This tactic requires patience, but it gets the job done. Let 'Polly Nomial' tell you all about it...

'Polly Nomial' killed 'Custard Cup'

'Polly Nomial' writes,
No info, no sightings, no kills, nothing. With Slaughter of the Innocents* looming near, something drastic had to be done. Something.... lethal. My accomplice and I stalked his [dormitory] floor, dodging resident and RA alike, all apathetic to our loitering presence. As we drew close to his lair, a light burned from within to signal his presence. Alas, he was protected by the conventions of invitation**. So I waited. And waited. And got a drink of water. And waited. My accomplice standing guard, we saw the light go out, the door shut. I had lost my chance. Or had I... my oblivious prey left his room and walked right toward us, equally unconcerned about the presence of awkwardly placed strangers - "Hey... Kurt? I know you! You're Kurt! I'm... I'm terribly sorry..." swift spoon to the gut, "'re dead."

Originally published on Tuesday, February 14, 2006, in the game Campus-Wide Spring '06

*Slaughter of the Innocents: A day on which all players in the game who have no kills were scheduled to be removed.

**Conventions of Invitiation: Standard assassins rules state that a player's living space is a safe zone where he can not be assassinated, unless he invites his assassin in.

'Polly Nomial' went on to get second place in the game, with two kills.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Some assassins are so confident in their killing ability, that they don't just go straight for the kill; they do something flashy and unnecessary. Learn from 'Hallowed are the Ori'...

'Hallowed are the Ori' killed 'Felix Leiter'

'Hallowed are the Ori' writes,
This kill was so awesome that it merits dropping the prior act temporarily. I talked to Jon a few hours after I killed him, and found out that my next target was none other than my friend Greg, so I decided to stage the kill with Jon. Greg was at a local Inflatable Dome event at the time, so I talked to him and revealed that I had to kill Jon, disregarding the fact that I'd killed him hours earlier. About fifteen minutes after I left, I sent Jon in to talk with Greg, then I rushed in ninja- style and "killed" Jon, making a big scene of it. When the laughter subsided, I turned my weapon on Greg and killed him. Greg I'm sorry, but at least it was funnier than following you to class and shooting you in the back.

Originally published on Wednesday, February 08, 2006, in the game Urbana Dorms Spring '06

'Hallowed are the Ori', an excellent assassin, went on to win the game with 5 kills.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shooting your mouth off: good idea?

The topic for this week's assassins story: If you are playing an assassins game, is it a good idea to talk about it in public?

Such talk has definitely gotten players killed before. Find out how it turned out for 'Miss Chievous" when she went in to a club meeting and started shooting her mouth off...

'Miss Chievous' killed 'Chierin'

'Miss Chievous' writes,
I went to Metal Club tonight and was surprised to find Matt in there. I started talking to him about my target Jerry, and I mentioned that I knew his AIM SoulOfDragonsFire. A girl in Metal Club overheard me say the AIM and, in a state of mild shock, asked if I knew Jerry. I replied yes and explained the Assassins game. She got very excited and, since she knew him, asked me if she would like me to have her call him up and bring him to Metal Club. Of course, I, very enthusiastically, answered yes. So, the plan was set and he was on his way to the meeting. I waited about 40 minutes until he walked through the door. I came out from behind the corner and shot him in the back, so as to avoid possible witnesses sitting in front of him.

Originally published on Friday, February 10, 2006, in the game University of Central Florida Assassins Spring '06

'Miss Chievous' went on to win the game with 5 kills total.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Call your target!

A quick, safe way to identify your target among several people is to call her phone. Learn from the story of Miss Jack Sparrow...

'Uruz' killed 'Jack Sparrow'

'Jack Sparrow' writes,
So there I am, spoon cleverly stowed out of sight, but easily accessible, enjoying some snackage at Late Night when my phone rings. "Oooh maybe its your assassin" barks my roomie to whom I have just finished explaining the game, and who is having a grand old time laughing at my paranoia. I don't recognize the number, but naturally I pick up and say hello ... but there is no response. Weird, I figure, but put my phone down and think nothing of it. Rejoining the conversation I notice the eyes of the friend in front of me shift to a space above me, a space occupied by a tall shadowy dark creature wielding a spoon. Before I can think, I hear the words "Are you Tessa?" Instinctively I turn, spoon ready to defend myself - but alas, I am too late, and realize I have already died by the hands of the sneaky stalker man. Damn.

'Uruz' writes,
Death by spoon to chest.

Originally published on Monday, November 14, 2005, in the game The Next Generation Fall '05

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chance Events

Randomness and luck often play a role in assassins games. Sometimes you just run in to your target by chance, when you were not planning to. That's why it's fun to play assassins in a smallish community of people that live and work close together, as shown in this excerpt from a dormitory game at Creighton University...

'butterfly' killed 'Someone 12'

'butterfly' writes,
So I was helping at the pike 5 on 5 basketball table today and of course I was worried about people sneaking up on me. I was a sitting duck for goodness sakes. It pretty much made my day when 'Someone 12' walked down the stairs on the mall. I pulled out my stickers and got ready for him to walk by. We both acknowledged each other and then he continued walking. I covertly walked up behind him and gave him a fatal sticker. Right when I hit him I knew he wasn't going to walk away from the attack and he gave up his stickers and target without a fight.

'Someone 12' writes,
I was assassinated by 'butterfly' on the mall around 12:45 on Tuesday, November 8.

Originally published on Tuesday, November 08, 2005, in the game Swanson Hall Paranoia Fall '05

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Drunken Killing

This assassins game was unusual because it was organized for a close-knit group of friends, as opposed to large group of people who mostly don't know each other. So the kills happened in much less public places, such as a poker game, or a road trip, or in this case, a birthday party:

'Jet Black' killed 'Alex M'

'Jet Black' writes,
"Drunken Killing"

I went to Steve's Birthday party Saturday night with little intention of killing. However, I did bring a spoon along for self-defense just in case. Upon arriving at the party, I handed my spoon off to my friend not in the assassins game. When I entered, I got the pat-down and was found to be totally clean, while in reality, my spoon was in the pocket of the kid standing next to me! After a lot of jungle juice, beer, and a game of beer pong, my friend wanted to head outside to try and bum a smoke off someone. Outside, I notice Paul and talked to him briefly. He was going down to let in some friends, and I saw this as my golden opportunity. I asked my friend for my spoon, and as Paul came back up, he received a spoon in the gut. I was reminded of The Godfather when Michael takes the gun planted in the bathroom then comes out and kills the chief of police and the mob boss, except my spoon was the gun and my friend was the toilet. Anywho, it was rather bastardly of me to kill him, and I apologized several times throughout the night. I left my coat in Justin's room btw.

Originally published on Sunday, November 13, 2005, in the game An Excuse for Procrastination

'Jet Black' won the game, attaining three kills. 'Alex M' got second place, with two kills.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Dormitory Package Tactic

If you are playing assassins and your target lives in a dorm room, you can always use this classic tactic to get your target out of the assassination-free safe zone of his room...

'swipper' killed 'Malfoy'

'swipper' writes,

"Is there a Kurt in here?" was the question asked to the brightly lit room as the target watched tv. "Yeah, I'm Kurt, why?" this was exactly the response that was hoped for... "the office has a package down stairs that they've had for a long time for you, just letting you know."

After the false message was delivered the trap was set; lying in ambush the prey fell straight into the trap walking down a few minutes later. Asking the office for his package brought a confused look from the desk clerk and a resounding echo of a gun blast as the nerf dart hit him in the chest... the body immediately went into violent spasms as blood sprayed everywhere... I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the splattered blood from the still smoking barrel, then coolly walked over the body and out the door. [dramatization]

'Malfoy' writes,

Again, the television, it entrances me and I lose touch with reality...

Not Gilmore Girls this time, but CSI, how appropriate, Crime Scene, well, there really is no investigation, but there was a crime scene.

The Mailboxes...

So I was chillin like ice-cream-fillin and this guy walks by my room. He knocks and says, "hey Kevin, or uhh Kurt, you have a package downstairs and its been there for a while, so if you could pick it up, that would be great."

This time, I wasn't so off my guard. I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed towards the door. But then something flashed across my idle mind. SPOON! I turned around and grabbed one of the three that have been occupying my pencil cup for the past week. I peaked my head outside my room in case my assailant was simply waiting there. When silence reached my ears, my heart slowed and my mind was put at ease. My friend and I went downstairs to retrieve this fabled 'package.' I sauntered on up to the mail counter and inquired as to the whereabouts of my mail. The lady at the counter was obviously confused; not even aware that a guy was working tonight, I became slightly suspicious, but only slightly. As I approached my mailbox, a head peaked around the corner. I dismissed it, honestly, my stomach was driving me, not my mind. With thoughts of candy and cake I looked into the small box of hopes labeled '491' and as I turned to go back to the counter, I was pierced by a foam shaft of misery...

Damn Nerf guns...

Happy Huntings!

Originally published on Thursday, October 13, 2005, in the game Champaign Dorms Fall '05

The lessons is that if you are playing assassins, don't trust every stranger who tells you to do things! That stranger might be your assassin.

'swipper' went on to get a second kill. He was eliminated before the game ended, but he still won the game since he had been the first player to reach 2 kills, and there were no players with 3 or more kills.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Uneasy Alliance

In assassins games, players often must target their friends. It's a tricky situation that can result in uneasy alliances, as seen in this story.

'Dr. Zoidberg' killed 'masterchief'

'Dr. Zoidberg' writes,
After a week or so, I finally killed masterchief. He knew I was coming for him so we had an epic battle before our history class this morning. He can explain it better so I'll let him do it.

'masterchief' writes,
This is the tale of the kill; it is a story of deceit, alliances and the battle of the century. Last week as I was studying for my midterm for history, my friend came over to study with me. He sat down and i asked him who his target was for the assassins game. He hesitated...I turned to my computer and continued typing, I had a midterm tomorrow. I then felt a tapping on my left arm; I looked and he was holding a spoon in his hand. I was surprised; he was in the other game and couldn't possibly be my killer. He took out his card showed me and I immediately stabbed him in the chest with my spoon. He looked puzzled and stated that he killed me already, but in reality he hit me on the arm [default rules say that the hit must be on the torso]. As a result of this misunderstanding and stuff (and me being a nice friend) we made an alliance such that this world has never seen before. I was to kill a person every week, and he would not kill me.
This worked at first, I killed barney fife. Everything looked great. But then I got my next assignment and I just got lazy. A week passed and it came to today at 7:50 in the morning. I knew today was the day. I took my duel nerfs and put them in my front pocket of my sweater and went downstairs. He was standing on the other side of the street (we have the same class on thursday) and i tightened my grip on my weapons. He had some weapon in his hand, and i warned him to keep his distance. His other hand shot out of his pocket and revealed a nerf gun. He shot and I skillfully dodged this, but in doing so, I made it so I couldn't get my guns out. He then took out his spoon and half a millisecond before I shot him with both my guns he stabbed me in the right shoulder. I will have my revenge on u wind guy and you will feel my full wrath.

Originally published on Thursday, October 20, 2005, in the game Champaign Dorms Fall '05

Dr. Zoidberg was one of only three players that survived until the end of the game, finishing with just one kill. Masterchief died in this story with one kill.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

False Identity

This week's assassins excerpt is a tale of dormitories, AIM, and a false identity...

'makethemdieslow' killed 'TheAnti'

'makethemdieslow' writes,
Under the guise of a 'friend' of mine who only wanted to take a picture of my target (so that the 'real' player would know what he looked like), I tracked him for the better part of a week, through IM, Facebook, phone, and email. I eventually got a break when he said over IM that his computer was broken and that he had been frequenting computer labs. Past that it was luck and timing, happening to pass him on my way OUT of the dorm and still pretending to be a friendly photographer. When a huge group of people passed between us, I dug for the spoon and ended it, for some reason saying "It's you" instead of "It's me" as I did so. Killing makes a man's mind funny.

'TheAnti' writes,
Well... I have noticed a decent number of attempts at my assassin trying to find me. He staked outside my room once and I had to have my RA take care of him. Trying to contact me through a number of professional emails and through a number of my friends. He aparently told EVERYTHING to one of my friends assuming she may help him, but rather she told me. For some reason, I didn't heed the information. I guess I doubted he'd be honest. I was down in the computer lab when I told my assassin via AIM that my computer was broken. I figured he would guess I was at the computer lab, and then he left abruptly. So... I got the aych out of there. Unfortunately, I headed down to lunch with one of my pals and saw him walking the oposite direction. I tried to hide behind her and he saw me. Now... I he told me that this was his "friend" who wanted a picture of me to give to his friend who was my assassin. Although he told one of my other friends that the guy with the camera... was really him... the assassin. So at first I was skeptical. I waited from a distance when he reached in his pocket. When a camera emerged I dubed him trustworthy. So I attempted to pose in an entertaining position for his "friend's" picture. My friend whome I was heading to lunch with was standing directly next to him. He was fiddleing with his camera a bit and then a group of people walked in between us. When they cleared he was all up on me with his spoon in my gut!!! Alas... My friend whom I had trusted to keep an eye on him was far too tired to warn me. I had my defensive spoon in my pocket at the time and had no time to defend myself. Brava... Brava...

Originally published on Saturday, October 15, 2005, in the game Campus-Wide Fall '05

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just the facts, Ma'am

This week's assassins excerpt is the story of two talented assassins who used some clever tactics and kept their facts straight...
'Cthulhu Calling' killed 'John Locke'

'Cthulhu Calling' writes,
"Just the facts, ma'am"

FACT #1: 'John Locke' attends Quantum Physics; unlike my previous target, he is known not to skip classes.
FACT #2: He uses a bike to travel on campus.
FACT #3: There is only one convenient bike trail leaving Loomis Lab.
FACT #4: There is a mammoth tree about 6 feet away from the bike trail, providing perfect cover from the trail. Any bicyclist will be hurtling towards the tree much too quickly to react.
FACT #5: 'John Locke' is dead.

John was a worthy adversary; he had his syringe o' doom out and ready even while on his bike. No paranoia, however, is enough to shield against the deep forces beneath this Earth.

'John Locke' writes,
I, too, have some facts to bring to the table:

FACT #1: I knew that my assassin was a ruthless one since I had killed him in the Spring 2005 game, a feat which required careful planning despite our being in the same CHP class.
FACT #2: I knew that he was playing this semester, and that he had killed three people thus far. I also knew that he knew that I was in Quantum Mechanics, since I had seen him hunt 'paloma' outside of it several times. In fact, I had even shot him at one point, because I believed him to be my assassin (before he actually was mine).
FACT #3: I knew his alias and his class schedule (even though he had removed it from Facebook weeks ago). I was hoping that I would eventually get to use it on him. He knew that I knew this, as I had spoken to him over AIM about this fact a mere 16 hours before.
FACT #4: With the exception of my CHP class, I figured that the only other of my classes known by a fellow assassin was my QM class, known by this particular individual. Hence, I figured that I only needed to be careful around Loomis.
FACT #5: I was careless, and once I got outside and on my bicycle, I figured that I was invincible. I even joked around by aiming my syringe o' doom at David Grayson as I sped past him. About five seconds later, though my gun was still aimed in that direction as I went past the large tree, I failed to notice the person standing behind it. In fact, I didn't even realize that there was someone there until I felt water droplets hit me from the side. Unfortunately, it was too late.

FACT #6 (a.k.a the Useful FACT): I have a month- old version of everyone in the CHP group's Facebook profile. If their schedule and/or picture isn't posted now, there's a good chance that it was posted then. You'd be surprised at what you can get simply by asking. This especially applies to you if you are Cthulhu Calling's assassin.

Originally published on Tuesday, October 11, 2005, in the game Campus Honors Program Fall 05

This was the final kill made Cthulhu Calling in the game. He finished in 2nd place with four kills. 'John Locke' only got one kill.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Watergun vs. Spoon, by the book

This elimination is a classic... the first kill in the first game that Sassins ever hosted. Back then we called them "kills". And this kill was done totally by-the-book.
'Athena' killed 'Kenton'.

'Athena' writes,
I killed Kenton at 9:20 this morning outside of 236 Lincoln hall. I knew that he had a class in this room, so I waited outside patiently, until I saw him walking down the hall, at which time I shot him three times with my water gun. He held up a spoon to defend himself, but he was too late.

'Kenton' writes,
I was in Lincoln Hall heading up to my class, and as I turned the corner, I saw someone by the drinking fountain. Athena confirmed my name, and the moment I did, I realized what was happening. All I had was a spoon on me, and I took it out quickly, but she had a water gun. I didn't stand a chance. I got shot three times in the chest.

Originally published on Thursday, March 31, 2005, in the game Campus Honors Program Spring 05

Athena persisted and got 8 total kills in a game of only 33 people!

Do you have YOUR target's class schedule?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Welcome to Stories of Assassins Games

Welcome to this new blog, stories of assassins games!

Each week, we pull a remarkable story off of and share it with you. Stay tuned for some awesome content!